“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

― Buckminster Fuller


Our Mission

Initiate regenerative economy through fostering climate- cooling culture.

Our Vision

We envision a regenerative culture that supports human activities in harmonious relation with the living earth.

C4GTS works with students, teachers, and organizations to put sustainability into practice through a focus on self-understanding, a systemic view of the world, and bio-eco-cultural relationships.

Food Experiences for Agricultural Science Training (FEAST) is a standards-based science curriculum for 3rd to 5th grade and 6th to 8th grades. This resource is available to download for free.

C4GTS offers lots of opportunities to engage. If you’re interested in supporting sustainability in your community and connecting with ours, reach out. We look forward to hearing from you!